Bring a rhythm and a chorus

I’ve been trying my damnedest to remain impartial to “the competition”, but as of today, I officially hate Sony. Why? Well, yesterday they announced that their Playstation 3 “Dual Shake” controller will have a tilt sensor. They razzed Nintendo when they revealed their “Wiimote” controller last year, and now they’re essentially trying to steal the idea because it’s been the most talked about thing since it was unveiled? That’s just plain despicable. What a bunch of dumb fucks.

On the other hand, as it turns out, the Wiimote is going to have a speaker in it to play local noises. So far the only example is how in Zelda: Twilight Princess (to have separate releases for Wii and Gamecube), an arrow’s sound goes from the Wiimote’s speaker to your TV’s speaker as it gets further away, but it seems like a really neat feature. It’s no VMU, but it’ll add a nice extra layer of depth if used properly/enough. Okay, now it’s back to E3 coverage for me. Catch ya later.

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