Eyes of flame

Got me some of the second degree of those new (for a limited time, most likely) Doritos, the Firey Buffalo flavour, and I was not at all disappointed. It was a while back, so I don’t entirely remember how they tasted, but the description was pretty accurate. They were a super-hot version of buffalo-wing flavoured chips, and I found them much more in line with my tastes than the jalapeno variety. Still not exactly a kind of chip I would buy regularly, but there’s more to that than only decent flavour.

These motherlovers were hot. Like, insane amounts of spiciness lived within these chips, and I honestly could not manage to finish the entire bag in a single sitting – and this is one of the small bags we’re talking about. Luckily, I did not manage to buy a Pepsi Lime again, so I had a slightly more effective and much less disgusting glass of water there to help soothe the burn. Though it didn’t. Because they were so hot! I won’t say I’m a connoisseur of spicy foods, but there were definitely up there on the list of the spiciest foods I’ve eaten.

The odd twist to this story, however, lies in the 3rd degree burn Doritos. I’ve been looking for them since I polished off the second half of this bag, but I cannot find them! Perhaps I need to search convenience stores situated a little bit father from my house, but they seem to have disappeared right off the racks. Now I can’t believe that the hottest of these chips is the most popular, because I could barely stand the second level of them, but they can’t have been pulled or recalled because Frito-Lay still advertises them on their website. Perhaps the Scorchin’ Habanero was subject to a very small production run? I may never know for sure, but that may be okay, because I’m fairly confident that eating those chips would quite literally set my mouth aflame. Aflame, I say! I really love getting the chance to use words with a’s tacked onto the front of them. It makes me feel all dramatic and whatnot.

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