Three thousand

It’s coming up soon. Not much else to say about it, but I am going to put up a new banner to celebrate. Some of you may have already even seen it…

On a video game related topic, I was standing pretty strong for… four days. Today I couldn’t restrain myself, and bought Dance Dance Revolution: Mario Mix. But it’s not as bad as all that. I’ve wanted a DDR game for the longest time, and this was the perfect excuse. Now I just need to sucker someone in my family to buy another dance pad thing. While the game is all you can expect from DDR (assuming you have prior knowledge of the Dance Dance Revolution series), the songs are quite an odd bunch. It’s mostly remixed Mario music, as you would assume, and all the other songs are remixed classical songs. No popular music to be seen. Not that I’m complaining. The one thing that does bug me is that the “story mode” is the most ridiculous thing ever, but it’s not a big issue. There are actually quite a few mini-games too, but most of them are boring and not worthy of mention. There really isn’t much more to say, so that’s all for now.

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