Prelude to tragedy

Valentine’s Day disgusts me. All the pink and hearts everywhere. Just disgusting. But there is one tiny facet of the “holiday” that has melted even my stone cold heart. If you’re curious, the link is there.

In a completely unrelated story, there’s this new girl at work. I know where you think I’m going with this, and I could tread that path, but alas, I have something more up my sleeve. You see, they’ve pretty much bestowed the task of training her upon me. The official trainer is present, but generally doing something else. This is excellent for me, because it shows that they trust me and think that I’m a good worker. Heck, the managers have even told me how much they appreciate me doing it. On top of that, I actually enjoy doing it. I’m even considering applying for the trainer position. I dunno why exactly I enjoy it, but it’s, you know, satisfying. There are other good points, but even in my infinite wisdom, I cannot put them into the right words. I’d continue this train of thought, but you’d end up confused as all hell. But no matter how much of this paragraph makes sense to you, her eyes are the bluest I’ve ever seen.

I’m really not sure where to go from here. There’s a new Steve article up, but I can’t think up any more than that. Nope. So you just sit and imagine I’d written more. There was something else, but that has to be saved for tomorra.

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