Old dreams die hard

We all have those things that we would love to do more, but never get around to for some reason or another. For me, it’s playing hockey, or even just shooting a puck around with my brothers. Not a day goes by that I don’t wish I were in better shape and more active so that I could still play hockey. But last night, I tried to go out and skate around, but I just couldn’t, dammit. It was mostly my too-small skates that were to blame, but when I got out on the ice, I realized that I had pretty much forgotten how to skate. I mean, I never fell or anything, but I had trouble cornering, and any ounce of skill I once had at stopping was gone. So I’ve decided to put forth a small effort to keep myself in in sightly better physical condition and to get out on the ice more than once every two years. I love hockey, and there’s no way I’m just going to sit on the sidelines and watch everyone else have all the fun. But that’s besides the point. I have something important to say.

You know that “coming soon” business that was on the sidebar for who knows how long? It got a little sidetracked (translation: I’ve been procrastinating big time) and won’t be ready for a while to come still, so I decided to do away with it. Also, I wanted to add a link to my AudioScrobbler profile so you peoples might be able to see what I listen to (and listen to it as well. Click the “personal” button near the top to listen to the music in my library). Since I wanted it in a place where you could see it whenever, a blog post was no place for it, and there was really no other good spot on the sidebar, so it found it’s new home replacing the *coming soon*. Also, I was asked about it yesterday, and there are three articles in the works. Two about some stuff I have in my room (you’ll understand later) and the third, well, you’ll see in two weeks tops. My hint is that it’ll be the third, but not last, in it’s series of articles. Good guessing. Oh, and I was contemplating a second OliverBot article, but then I discovered how stupid the first one was, so that’s trashed. Unless I get three unique e-mails asking for it. So it’s pretty much decided, no second OliverBot article.

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