Beyond comprehension

OK, I couldn’t sleep until I added something important to the site, so here you have it. A friend of mine wrote a thing (approx. 2 pages long) about me. It’s totally insane and unbelievably funny. You mostly won’t believe the funny because it’s so (for lack of a better word) stupid. It’s like the textual incarnation of White Ninja. But anyway, it’s up, and I’ve got the itch to write (or re-write (explaination later)) one myself, so I’m making a whole Pseudo-article subpage for them. It’s just one page now, but when more are added, it’ll be an archive-type thing like all the Pseudo-articles. And that’s all I’m going to add for the next 48 hours or so, so be content and sign the guestbook or post in the forums. Or both!

~Ryan out.

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