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I added the November archive to the, uh, archive. And all the sidebars and such. Still haven’t figured out the band of the month, but I’ve got it down to two. A new banner is on the way to commemorate a special occasion. You see that ??? On the sidebar? It’s not really the greatest of ideas, but I’ve got a special surprise in store. Though in reality it’s just kind of a way to minimize things I have to post on the articles page. Site productivity will be close to 10% of what it was a week ago due to the broken computer and its holding all my site files hostage. The next installment of the Work Blog will be up sometime this week, possibly tomorrow – and a nice little surprise along with it.

As usual, I’m sure there was something else I was supposed to tell you guys about, but I’ve forgotten. My poor attention span doesn’t have the kind of logevity necessary to type out everything I need to without getting distracted by something and forgetting stuff. So I guess this is the end of the post then, as I really have nothing more to say.

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