West coast, it’s my beautiful day!

Did you know jackets are expensive? Yeah, it turns out they are. You see, I’ve never had to shop for a jacket before today, so I had no idea. But I did make a purchase, and at $100, it seems as though I got one of the cheaper ones. Gah.

In other news, if you’re reading this, you should go check the forums. And maybe post a bit too. Seems we’ve got a new member, and I’ve been posting in an attempt to get her posting as well. So there might be a short revival. You know we had some good times on there back in the day.

I thought up a pretty funny comic while I was sitting on the throne earlier today. You can check it out here. I could have spent some more time on it, but I think I’ve gotten my point across. And it’s very in the vein of both Penny Arcade’s and VG Cats’ humor. I’m not very sure how accurate it is, but let’s just accept that it’s somewhat funny.

In much more awesome news, Babamania has released the full version of Doobee Doowop Communication, which despite the really odd name, is a kickass song. If you didn’t check it out when I gave you the link, it’s the ending theme of the Rockman.EXE Stream anime. It’s got some really mellow parts, a rocking chorus, and is sung by at least three people, both male and female. Plus a lot of English lyrics that are sometimes humorous, and even the Japanese singing is funny in parts. It’s a very original song, and I don’t think I’ve ever reccomended anything more than I do this song. Download it, I can almost guarantee you’ll like it. If you don’t, it’s simply to spite me. I don’t see how anyone could not like the song. It’s just so catchy and loveable.I just listened to it like 6 times in a row. Time for an intervention. Hooray Pikmin soundtrack!

Ah yes, that’s the next thing I have to cover. Check this shit out, yo. PopJapan Torrents, you are my God. Or at least my hero. You see, if you scroll down a little and click the “Older Torrents” button, you’ll find a bunch of torrents to complete game soundtracks and arrangements! Hooray! It’s like a party in my ears and all my favorite games are invited! That sounded a lot less stupid in my head, trust me. Oh how I praise this site for it’s brilliant torrent collection. Oh the Pikmin soundtrack, how I adore thee. Next on my list of to-gets the the Tales of Symphonia soundtrack. Battle themes, away! did I mention they’ve got the Kingdom Hearts soundtrack? I knew THAT would get your attention. Suckers. (Note: It seems the Pikmin soundtrack is gone now… So get ’em while you can! And I still have the torrent if you want it.)

Finally, I have a very short review to make of Ape Escape, which I played for at least 6 hours straight yesterday. The game is fun, there’s no denying that. The premise is real stupid, and the voice acting could have been much better (And worse too. See RAD, MegaMan X4), but those weren’t nearly enough to keep the game down. Swimming is hard and stupid, but once you get the flying-majig and the RC car, you’re having boatloads of fun. The game is a litte too rip-off of both Super Mario 64 and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, but I can forgive them, because Monkey Boxing is way too nonsensical not to love. The graphics blow, but that’s what you get with original Playstation games. It’s a huge game, with many, many monkeys to capture. I enjoyed my time with it, and did I care enough, would find a way to finish it 100%. But I really don’t mind. For the first time in my life, I can just let it go uncompleted.

Wow did I have a lot to say today. And frighteningly enough, I know I forgot a lot of stuff. Oh, and I’m going to start moving the old work blog over. The October edition should appear sometime soon. Probably within the week. Whenever I remember to bring a diskette to work.

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