Just a blog. About a new blog

So I’m at work the other day, and I’m on my break. It’s generally pretty boring, with nothing but solitaire and the john to keep me occupied. So I decided to start fooling around with the break room PC. And boy, have I reached a new low. I found an old version of FrontPage sitting around, and decided to check it out to see how the old version works. At first I was confused and afraid, but figured out a little bit how to work it. So I was practicing my HTML, and eventually, I had the start of a blog. So I’ve decided that every couple days or so, I’m going to write in this work blog. It’s not much, but it’s a way for me to while away my breaks. Maybe when I feel it’s done, I’ll put it up on the site and disguise it as something that might be interesting.

On the other hand, my PC is on the brink of totally screwed. My brother keeps downloading crap loaded with spyware, and I have to cleanse it at least once a day. We’re almost at the the point where we need to reinstall Windows again, and I’m dreading having to do that. On the upside, it seems that my Internet Explorer is broken, and not just the internet, so Opera’s working out just fine for me.

I’ve got a lot of things right now that I want to review, but I’m not sure if I’m gonna get around to doing them all. Firstly is the review of my CD collection, which I want to do only to rival my brother’s half-assed attempt. That one I’m doing for sure. Eventually. Some others I’m cosidering are reviews for MegaMan Zero 3 and Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. Both awesome games that deserve reviews. I’ve gotta get back to finishing the Disney World saga, and thankfully there’s only one more entry to go. There aren’t even any pictures in the next one, so I’ll have a tough time remembering everything. Though, I can’t say I did too much on the last two days. Damn. Now that I think about having such a good time there, I feel the need to go back. I wonder how long I’ll have to save with my current salary….?

If you hadn’t checked in a while, I updated the “Who Runs This Thing?” page a couple weeks ago. I’ll be putting up the final episode of Chat Radio on Wednesday or so. I plan to use tomorrow morning to edit it good, and it’ll be up the next morn. Oh, yeah, I guess I forgot to mention that I’ve been moved to the evening shift, so morning posts will be more common in the next while. Unless they decide to put me back on mornings after this week. So, to summarize, I’ve got a lot of little projects to do, and I really want to do less blogging in the next while and more actual content. The blog form is easy to do, but it rather boring for readers. Particularly when I maunder about what’s happening at work and such. So I’ll quit writing this now, and get to work on some more interesting stuffs. Like additions to the gallery.

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