
While fiddling around on my links right after I put up this new page, I was shocked and horrified by a rather sad event. is giving up the ghost. Yes, it happened about a month ago, but you have to remember that I haven’t had a whole lot of access to the net over that time period, what with the trip to the cottage and our connection being down for a while.

While it was never in my site’s bunch of links – or even my Internet Explorer favourites, for that matter – MadPony was one of the two (and a half) blogs that I read semi-regularly. The other and a half being GorillaMask and The Sneeze. I never read MadPony with a lot of consistency, but I’d visit once or twice a month to see what was up. It was strange that I was compelled by the idea of being able to see what the world is like through the eyes of female kind. Not something I would normally read, but somehow it dragged me in, as if there was some sort of unseen attraction that kept me coming back for more. As I said, this was a website based on things that I really don’t care about; blogging, shoes, horses, and a song called “Hot White Cum”.

The site was rife with hilarious (and sometimes sad) stories about the lives of the two girls that ran it. Some included tales of horrible trips to Target, grandiose parties, and my personal favourite, XTREME freestyle bed leaping. Most of it was what you would find in any old run-of-the-mill blog, and that’s what’s to be expected. And that’s what turns me off of blogs (though I know my new site is making me one hell of a hypocrite). I really don’t care what people do from day to day, what music they’re listening to as they type out their feelings, what has made them sad or lonely or depressed. But somehow MadPony was different. The Mask and the Sneeze don’t really have a lot of these elements, so I can read them without shame, but MadPony was just like any other blog.

It’s no secret that the girls that ran it are quite hot, but that’s not what did it. After a lot of thinking about it (which is another thing I don’t usually do), I discovered that indeed, I was intrigued by what happened to these girls from day to day. Perhaps not intrigued by them specifically, but just the fact that I could follow someone’s life a la The Truman Show. Maybe blogs aren’t so bad? Maybe I was just thrown off the trail of good ones by the legions of punk and emo kids who write their own and complain day to day about how everything sucks and the world is no fair. Maybe all those kids who think we care that they slit their wrists destroyed any interest I might have once had in blogs.

No. Really, I just found MadPony interesting because it provided a nice change in my usual routine of internet clickables. When you spend your days reading webcomics, news about video games, and random blather, you start to long for something different. Just like if you lived your life the exact same way from day to day, you’d need a change, just like in Le huitième jour. Indeed, I’m much like Harry, with MadPony being my Georges. Actually, that reference worked out pretty well. Uh, as long as you’ve seen the movie, that is. If you haven’t, you’re boned. So that’s about all I really had to say; kinda saddened by the loss of a good website (It’s still up, of course, if you wanna read the old stuff), but not in a way that it’ll really affect anything.

This sentimental moment brought to you by Ryan’s unhealthy lack of sleep. For if he was thinking straight, he certainly wouldn’t be writing anything to do with feelings.

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