Taking care of business

I never really realized how long my new article is until I started page 2. Not only am I gonna take a long time to complete it (as usual), but I’m gonna pay in disk space for all the pics that I’m gonna have to insert. Unless… Ha! I’ve got an idea that might just work.

So, uh, you may have noticed the “new” symbol on the home page. I just thought it a nice, subtle way to celebrate getting 300 hits. 400 will be a little less special, but 500 will be good reason for a bigger celebration-type thingy. Oh, and that new pseudo-article might be a little harder on my disk space than I wanted it to be, because it’ll be all in graphics, kinda like the gallery, but not. You’ll see. You’ll all see!! Mua-ha-ha-ha-ha!

~Ryan out.

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