
Absolutely nothing interesting has happened in my life over the last few weeks. It’s been the absolute steadiest stream of “the usual” that I’ve ever experienced. The first couple weeks of November are also apparently the new Birthday Season, but there isn’t a lot to be said about low-key family parties and nights spent at Pizza Hut with the in-laws.

Now don’t get me wrong. I like it this way. The less excitement there is, and the more time I have to just lay around and devote myself to my hobbies, the better. A boring life suits me perfectly, but it doesn’t make for good blogging.

Oh, but I did make this papercraft Shovel Knight! That’s pretty cool!


Note to the curious: papercraft is not a hobby intended for the chubby-fingered. Or the impatient. I won’t lie, Paper Knight took a little over two hours to make. Probably would have been easier if I’d used small craft-sized scissors. Oh well! He ain’t perfect, but I still love him. He brightens up my desk more than all of my other childish baubles combined.

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