We got it!

Today I’m going to take a quick look at what is called a “manga”. I’ve you aren’t in the know, it’s basically just a Japanese comic book. Call it a comic in front of an anime fan though, and you’ll get your ear chewed off. Me, I don’t care. It’s a comic. You just read it backwards is all.

So Uzumaki then. It’s a horror book, and there are three volumes in total. It’s about a small, isolated town which inexplicably fall sunder some kind of stange curse. See, the villagers, one by one, start to see spirals and become obsessed with them, and this obsession often leads to their horrific deaths. Some are a little less shocking than others, but a few will turn a weaker man’s stomach. And this is just the first volume! By book two, hospitals are being invaded by mosquito women, babies are trying to return to wombs, and the town’s utter destruction seems almost inevitable. Book three is basically a small group of characters’ fight to escape the town and the curse.

There’s an article about it over on Game Spite that describes it way better than I ever could, so I recommend you check that out if you feel interested at all. Another thing of note is that I learned, whilst searching for the cover image on Amazon, that there is actually an Uzumaki movie. So I’m itching to download that. Though I’m sure a lot of material would be cut for time, it seems like it would be a really frightening and surreal film. Hopefully it’s good.

So the comic, yes wonderful. It’s great. Not particularly scary, but if you read even the first volume, you’ll never look at a spiral the same way again. Hell, you’ll probably never want to see a spiral again period.

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