Do I have to say it? Okay fine.
Brawl is awesome.
So there you have it. I should mention that I’m quite surprised at how much I’ve been using the Stage Builder feature. I never thought too much of it before release, but I’ve made at least seven stages of my own, and I play them pretty often too. It really shouldn’t come as as much of a surprise as it does though, because after all, I spent hours and hours designing stages for Timesplitters 2 and Future Perfect. And my favourite part of The Sims has always been building houses for the little sims to live in. So yeah, I guess it kind of stands to reason that I might enjoy a tool made for builiding stages in my favourite fighting series. The only real downside to it is that you can only assign a single song to play on each stage, and I can’t break my insufferable need for symmetry. The first one I made, I just threw down bits and pieces here and there, and it’s easily the best I’ve made, but all that came afterwards have been perfectly symmetrical. I’ve tried to make another more random one, but it physically hurts me to do so.

The Stage Builder will slowly eat away your time and system memory.