War has been declared

For many, many years, I was quite apathetic towards driving. You might even say I didn’t really like it at all. That might help explain why it took me just over four years to get my full driver’s license. Even after I got my license, I wasn’t totally up on the idea. All that changed when I got my car. The day that I bought that car was the day I learned to enjoy driving. In fact, I’d say that buying a car was the best thing that’s happened to me all year.

And that is exactly why I’m kinda broken up that the little guy is probably going to be leaving me.

A little over a week ago, the back end of my ride was cruelly taken away from me by some dumb hick from Saskatchewan. Well, okay, that’s not entirely true. Only the bumper is really gone. The trunk is busted but good, but the car is still perfectly drivable, patched together tailight and all. Also, it may have been ever so slightly my fault, but we’re going to let the insurance adjuster have the final say on that one. Anyhow, I’ve got an appointment to assess the damages on Wednesday, and the general consensus is that it’s going to be written off.

I’m going to miss my car, and I may get enough scratch to help me buy another old car, but only now do I understand why some guys really love their cars. It did a lot for me, and in the short few months we were together, we’d gone through a lot of stuff. It wasn’t just a vehicle, it was a companion in its own right. No matter how many other cars I buy in my lifetime, none will ever be the same as my Spirit.

Fuck. That’s at least two eulogies this year. I hate 2007.

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