We’ve got a line in the sky

Needless to say, Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80’s is fantastic. I mean, essentially, it is no different than any other Guitar Hero, but the fact that the soundtrack seems tailored specifically for me is very nice. Only 30 songs may seem like a gyp, but they’re wicked awesome songs. And hard as hell too. Some of the solos on these bad boys will murder even the most seasoned GH vet, and some, particularly “What I Like About You”, are just rough all the way through. It may lead you to believe that my life up until this point has been completely inconsequential, but playing “No One Like You” is probably the greatest thrill I’ve ever experienced. “Radar Love”, despite being the inferior White Lion version, also makes me go crazy. I almost feel bad that I’m butchering songs I hold so close to my heart. Oh well!

Other news? Spent the morning and afternoon with my car. Its muffler has been blown out for a couple weeks now, and today I went to get that repaired, and coupled with the oil change it got on Sunday, I’m assuming it’s a happy car. Also went and gave it a good wash down for the first time in months, so that’s good too. The little guy really pulls his weight around here, and I think he totally deserves the best treatment. Ergo, perhaps I’m not the best owner for it.

Ummmm… elsewise I’ve been hooked on Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology. It’s kind of like an MMO, just without the massive or the multiplayer, and less online. But the idea is to take missions, and form parties, and while it’s quite simplisitc, it’s really engrossing. Probably has a lot to do wiht the historically aweome battle system. And the fact that I can have Reid, Lloyd and Senel all in my party at one time. It’s a fangirl’s dream come true!

Lastly, I rented Transformers: the Game today. I’ll tell you how that goes later. Having loved the movie like a son, I’m hoping it’ll be decent.

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