Mystery Case Files: The Strayed Solo

I heard the Knack’s “My Sharona” on the radio today. I was pretty excited beacuse it’s not one of the songs they play every day. Also, I love “My Sharona.” It’s got one of my most favoritest guitar solos ever, and I enjoy the rest of the song prety well too.

But something was wrong. I don’t know if there’s a sound channel missing on the specific radio the music was coming from, or if the station did something funny or what, but the solo was missing. Well, the lead guitar was missing from the solo, which is the same thing, really. So there was a big almost three-minute gap in the song that was just the rhythm playing over and over.

I don’t think it was that the music was censored or anything, because why would you censor a guitar solo? I heard “Through the Fire and the Flames” on an alternative station once and they cut huge chunks of the song out, but I get that because the song is ten-ish minutes long and that would completely overwhelm the kind of person who listens to the radio by choice.

But again, it wasn’t cut for time, because the space where the solo goes was there, it just didn’t have the lead guitar. “Beat It” and “Boys of Summer” came on afterward, and neither of them were missing any instruments, so I have no idea what happened. All I know is that it was a tiny little tradgedy.

Fortunately, that was the worst thing that happened to me today, so I’m not going to complain too loudly.

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