Shepard Fantasy XIII-2

Son of a bitch! Square-Enix is making it really hard for me to not spend my hard-earned Microsoft Points on alternate costumes for Final Fantasy XIII-2. I can safely ignore Noel, but I am finding it very hard to resist the chance to dress up Serah as Commander Shepard. Is it really worth the $3? No. Maybe if the costumes came with some stat boosts, but as it is they’re entirely cosmetic. I have to say though, every new set of DLC outfits is better than the last… The Costume GET! guy must be having a fit.

I did buy the two legacy boss coliseum packs. Omega was a piece of cake, which is totally opposite of its reputation as an FF superboss. Not that I would really know. I think the only Omega I’ve ever fought during the course of my FF career was Omega Weapon in Final Fantasy VIII, and I (through an incredible stroke of luck) owned him in about a minute flat. However long it would have taken to Aura my party, get a lucky Invincible Moon on Rinoa’s first limit break, and then go to town with Lionheart.

Ultros and Typhon were a completely different story however. I fought long and heard, but could not claim victory against the two Final Fantasy VI bosses. It wasn’t until we were already in pretty rough shape that I realized that Typhon was occasionally restoring Ultros to full health. I don’t know why it took so long because I spent the second quarter of the fight focusing on Ultros. I turned my attention back to Typhon, but at that point it was already too late and I was only able to whittle away about one million of his 3,000,000+ HPs before we bit the dust. Lesson learned: equip ribbons. Or something that prevents Daze.

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