Sharpen up your sticks

So I was woken up ever so rudely this morning (around 2AM) by a bright blue light emanating from my Wii. I was about to go smack my brother for sending me a message at such an hour, but upon checking it, it turned out to be from Nintendo. Turns out they were working on a top-secret Channel for the Wii, called the “Everybody Votes Channel.” Stupid sounding, yes, but basically it’s a channel made specifically for polls, so I’m all over that. Polls are my second favourite thing to fill out, second only to surveys. Add Miis into the mix, and you’ve got a winner in my eyes.

Okay, so it’s kind of dumb, really. But hey, it’s neat that they managed to sneak in a new channel without any fanfare at all. Hope that happens every once in a while. It’s nice to know what you’re getting ahead of time, but a surprise here and there is also nice. It’s probably also a welcome change to hear me happy about something rather than whining like a little girl.

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