Komayto, komahto

Not only is Kid Icarus: Uprising awesome and hilarious, it’s also got some fantastic references to other Nintendo games, the best of which (that I’ve seen so far) you can see below:

Now, Komaytos were in the original Kid Icarus, so the Metroid-esque enemy itself is not a big deal. It’s the flavour text here that really brings it home. Even better is that there are space pirate enemies to go along with them this time around. They bear only a passing resemblance to Metroid Prime space pirates, and are even farther removed from the Zebesian variety.

The rest of the game is the exact same way when it comes to excellent writing, and it is so great. Even the online multiplayer is super fun, and I very seldomly get into online multiplayer modes. I cannot believe that there was a point in time where I wasn’t interested in this game. Thank goodness Nintendo pushed it as hard as they did.

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