The mighty Pepwich

I had Monday off this week, and didn’t use it to do anything productive at all. I just sat in my room, with the nice spring breeze flowing through the window, playing video games all day. It was pretty much the perfect day.

But trouble arose when I decided that it was time for lunch. The house was suffering from a severe lack of instant lunch foods, and I was ready to resort to PB+J, but there was no J! Crazy, right? A PB and banana sandwich was out of the question because there were no bananas around, and a normal sandwich was impossible because there was no lunch meat in the fridge. Things were looking pretty bleak.

In the end, the best I could cobble together was a pepperoni sandwich. Not really an appetizing prospect, but it was all I had! Pepperoni is fine when you’ve got other meats in there, but it’s not the best meat to anchor a sandwich on. I rounded out the sammich with a couple cheese slices, two kinds of mustard (regular and spicy), tomatoes, and pickles. I took half a box of Wheat Thins “Stix” as a side, because they are the best cracker.

The final product wasn’t something that I’d care to reproduce. It wasn’t a bad sandwich though; I feel like the pickles (which were an 11th-hour addition) really saved it. But at least I was able to make a small meal for myself without resorting to spending money, which is really the ultimate goal at this point.

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