Everyone’s a captain, baby, ship of fools

As promised, there is a new page up in the CD collection. It’s the biggest one yet, though it’ll be beat out in time. I’ve also finally gotten around to uploading some more stuff to the old DeviantART account, so check that out too. There isn’t anything new (to my recollection), but it’s always fun to go back and see old stuff again. Why do you think I keep archives of everything?

Something else I’d like to make note of is that I’ve been participating (for lack of a better word) on the internet a little more lately, and getting my name and link out there. Mostly I’ve been posting all over the place and “networking” over at Last.fm, and I think it’s working well. Not only am I getting more varied visitors, but it’s also exposing me to some really good music. I also made a comment in the X-E blog the other week and it roped in over 20 unique hits. Not a lot by internet standards, but far more than I’d normally get. This is kind of a downer for me, because it’s proving that I have to be sociable to succeed. Oh well.

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