Band of the Month – November 2005

Before we get started, I just thought I’d mention that about an hour after I got my network set up, it went all iggldy-biggldy and even after spending several more hours trying to get it back, it’s still broken. I guess I’m just not meant to have a home network… Until I buy an access point! That will work for sure! Money down the toilet!

This month’s band is the third band I’ve reviewed that partcipated in the 2004 Nintendo Fusion Tour, but the only one that I was listening to before said event. I stumbled onto the Lostprophets way back in the day when WinMX was still the best P2P on the market. I just happened to be looking for ninja music (as odd as it may sound, I kid you not) and came across a song called “Shinobi vs Dragon Ninja” which turned out to be a really good song. But who were these Lostprophets that were credited with the song? I searched up a couple other songs, “Still Laughing” and “Ode to Summer.” I liked, but wasn’t taken enough to really look into them much more than that.

Lurch forward in time to early 2005. I’m shopping for CDs, and come across a band I know very little about, Lostprophets. I’d heard a little about them recently due to the NFT’04, and remembered that “Start Something” was a pretty decent song. $20 later, I walked out of the store with the CD in hand. And that’s my story. Also, somewhere in between the second and third paragraph, I’d heard the song “Last Train Home”, which helped make my decision. Should have mentioned that before.

So the band. Yeah, they’ve released two CDs. The first, The Fake Sound of Progress, came in 2001 and I never noticed. However, Start Something managed to catch my attention nearly a year after its release. As far as the fans are concerned, it’s pretty much a split between those who like Start Something and those who hate it. I’m in the former group. Those who hate it say that the first album is infinitely better, but since I’ve never listened to most of it, I really can’t pass judgement.

Start Something, however, is a totally different story. I think it’s a great album. Rather than run down each track, today I’ll just mention a couple high points. Firstly, I’d like to point out that the Lostprophets do a really good job of moving from one song to another. Most bands will finish a song and then movce onto the next. On this CD though, there is a segue or interlude between nearly all the tracks. It’s not a huge thing, but it’s a very nice touch. As for songs, I’m stuck between “Burn Burn”, “Goodbye Tonight” and “Sway” when it comes to my favourite song. They’re all distinctly different; “Burn Burn” is strong and offering a unique sound, “Goodbye Tonight” is a technically slow song, but ends up being really heavy and emotional, and finally, “Sway” is… Well, it’s “Sway”. It’s so soothing and atmospheric. If there is any one song you need to download from this CD, that would be the one. Not to mention that at the end if it, they go into another instrumental piece that counjures thoughts of a movie with a tragic ending.

Definitely a sweet band, check ’em out if you like the kind of new wave rock/emo/screamo business that I seem to enjoy so much. Though emo is a harsh word to use. It’s more of a civilized punk sound, as much as that seems like an oxymoron. Regardless of classification, the band is good. I shouldn’t have to say it a third time. You know, it’s odd. I can’t shake the feeling that I’ve reviewed these guys before…

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