Smash Love

The above video is about the competitive side of Super Smash Bros. I don’t really care for said scene myself, as I am a much more casual Smasher (I play with items on sometimes. Gasp!), but I thought that this video was fascinating.

It’s certainly worth a watch regardless of who you are. It’s very accessible, and does a very good job of explaining why people are so passionate about the game, and draws excellent parallels to traditional sports that can help people who don’t give a flying fig about video games understand.

I love Smash, and I absolutely appreciate how complex and malleable it is, but I still mostly just like it because it lets me beat up Bowser as Shulk. Or because I can play as Lucina outside of a tactical strategy game. You know, stuff like that. I’ll never understand why people cling so desperately to Melee, but that doesn’t especially interest me.

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