It just takes some time

I checked my E-mail inbox on Monday evening only to find myself shouting with ecstasy over a message I had received (4 days pror, I don’t check my inbox that often). It was a note from that was sent to inform me that after what seems like ages of waiting, they had finally completed their translation patch for the doubtlessly stellar Mother 3.

Now, I’ve mentioned many many times before that I’m an Earthbound junkie, so you’d assume that I’ve already tracked down the ROM, applied the patch, and blazed through the game, right? Actually, I don’t even have the ROM yet. But I’m downloading it as we speak (but seriously kids, ROMs are bad. Don’t pirate video games!), and fully intend to start playing Mother 3 in glorious English… as soon as I finish some other games. Dragon Quest IV would be the obvious one, but I’m still working on Tales of Vesperia. Just goes to show you how little time I have for video games these days. So what the hell am I doing blogging? So long, losers!

Oh, and also I’ve been in a serious relationship for 6 months today. That deserves a cake. go me!

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