So when I was in Fargo (again) with the folks a couple weekends ago, I made sure we made a mandatory stop at the local Toys R Us. I was actually on the hunt for the 25th anniversary re-release of the original Ninja Turtles toys, but all they had were Bebop, Rocksteady and Splinter. I only want the four turtles, but I think we all know that once I get them, I won't be able to stop until I have the whole collection, as evidenced by the similar situation below:

While my hunt for Ninja Turtles was largely unsuccessful, I did spy the second round of Street Fighter figures. I mulled over them for a good twenty minutes, and decided that it would be best to get them there since they were considerably cheaper there (even with exchange). It was also a gamble whether we'd see them in my store or not, but of course the next week they came in. Still, having Guile, Chun-Li and Akuma hanging around makes my room feel a bit cooler. At least to me. I know the woman isn't overly thrilled about them...
On the upside, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Smash-Up releases tomorrow, and pre-release impressions have been pretty good so far! After the whole Mutant Melee debacle, I'm still a little weary about it, but it looks like Ubisoft has been trying really hard, and their game would have to be really atrocious to top Konami's weaksauce offering.
Yeah, so I'm not dead. Again. Been a while since I did the whole blogging thing, and it so seemed like I was getting back into it last month... oh well. I've been SUPER-busy over the last week or so anyway, between trips and work and socials and all that other junk, I've barely had any time to play video games, nevermind blog!
Luckily, I did have Wednesday to myself, so I spent a good eight or so hours engrossing myself in Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story, which is fantastic. Possibly even better than the original M&L, which I intend to play as soon as I'm done with the new one here. I played Partners in Time again a couple moths ago, and I still feel that it lacks something. It just didn't have the heart of the original.
Also, I'm interviewing for a new awesome possum(bly) job next week, and because I don't want to look like a ragamuffin, I shaved off my seven-week strong facial hair. I like to think that things could have gone better, but realy, it was an awful beard. The 'stache didn't change much from the picture I took at three weeks, maybe just thickened a timy bit. As for the beard, it remained entirely under my face, and grew to about half an inch in length, which effectively looked quite literally like chin pubes. It never grew onto my cheeks, so it was a shabby chinbeard at the very best. And now my face is all smoothie-like.

I even tried just shaving out the middle first, hoping that it would turn into Wolverine chops, but it was really just the same mess without the middle, and hence was not worth taking a picture of.
There's plenty more to talk about too! But that will have to come in later bloggity posts, because I don't want to cram everything in all at once! Then there would be an even worse blog deficit. And I most certainly don't want to end up in the middle of some kind of blog recession. However that would work.