It's been out since Monday, but only yesterday did I finally put aside some time to download and play Megaman 9. Actually, it wasn't so much that I put aside the time, but rather I let my girlfriend try out Wii Fit and once she was worn out I decided to take the opporunity to not only start to show her what digital distribution was all about, but also try to get her into my favourite video game series.
Turns out it was kind of a bad idea. I had no idea just how hard it was going to be, and all the woman got to see of my supposed "mad platforming skillz" was me being murdered over and over before I could even reach a checkpoint. Seriously. It's fucking brutal. But the nice thing is that it's all in good taste, by which I mean once you know it's coming you can learn to avoid it. There's no randomization to anything, and should you posess the proper skills, you'll be able to learn and master each level in no time. I, on the other hand, can't play it for shit. Nope.
After many feeble attempts and even more gruesome deaths (however that math adds up), I was finally able to overcome Galaxy Man or whatever the UFO-shaped one that dances around like a fruitcake is called. Outside of that, I made it to the fire-based boss (Volcano Man I think?) and got toasted, and haven't seen any of the other bossed yet. On the upside, Dancing-UFO-Homo Man gives up a totally sweet weapon called the Black Hole Bomb. It's a slow moving ball that turns into a black hole when you trigger it and sucks in anything that gets too close. It didn't do shit to Volcano Man, so it was kind of a bust in that regard, but really fun to play with otherwise.
So yeah, Megaman 9 rules and I can't believe it took me two whole days to get it. In my defense, if I'd had the Wii points available on my console it would have happened as soon as I got home from work, but I had to go all the way to Best Buy to find some. The moral of the story is that that I needs me a credit card, I guess.
As for what my girlfriend thought of it? She fell asleep. :(
A couple weeks ago, Activision or Microsoft or whoever does the Xbox Marketplace stuff released a trio of new Dragonforce tunes for Guitar Hero 3, and I promptly downloaded thems. I was completely destroyed by them even more promtly. Promptlyer. Promptlier. C:\ prompt. Anyway, one of the tunes, called "Heroes of Our Time" was from their newest CD. I assumed it was a "Saints of Los Angeles" kind of thing where they were promoting the new album before its release. Nope. Turns out it was already out. Also, I bought it.
So it's not so much that I don't like Ultra Beatdown, it's not that at all. I love Dragonforce. I love the balls-to-the-wall speed metal. It's great. I just have one complaint: the lyrics. I know for something like this you can't expect particularly deep or meaningful lyrics, but Dragonforce has taken it past the pop level of shitty lyrics. I was reading along in the cover booklet, and that's pretty much exactly when I realized that not one song on this album has lyrics that make any sense.
I'm not sure if it's an epidemic that plagues all of Dragonforce's work, but if you take a look at the words to any of the songs on Ultra Beatdown, you'll notice that they seem very chopped up and sporadic. It's not uncommon for a line to have absolutely nothing to do with the one that comes after it, and sometimes it seems like a single line is made of two that were chopped in half and then had one piece from each put together. I have no idea how any of the songs could even possibly be pretending to be following the same general theme, nevermind the same train of thought. It's like whoever wrote them just put words on a page and then changed a few so that it rhymed and followed something of a rhythm pattern.
It's not really a huge put-off, but I do have a soft spot for thoughtful and/or intelligent songwriting. Ultra Beatdown is great if you're going to be driving fast or for using as background music while playing a video game or something, but it's definitely not meant to just be listened to and absorbed. But then again, Dragonforce was never that kind of band to begin with, so really, I guess I'm a little surprised that I expeced more from them in that way.
Today was the "grand re-opening" of my store. Though for the record, we never closed down aside from regular non-work hours. That tidbit aside, it was nucking futs in there for the first couple hours. Amounts of people like I've only seen at amusement parks and sporting events. The day had left me completely wrung out; my legs wasted from being on them and running back and forth all day, my arms and back sore from lifting more than usual, and my head a mess from dealing with inexplicably inept customers. It was a long day, and I'm glad it's over, I just wish I had tomorrow off to recover.
Also, damn my lust for consumer electronics that are impossible to find due to high demand and low production numbers!

I suppose picking up Wii Fit and "playing" it for over an hour was a bad activity choice after a day like today then. To be honest, I wasn't really planning on buying it in the first place. My fitness is not something I'm overly worried about, and I don't need a video game to tell me I have almost inhumanly poor balance. But it's just so popular! Everyone's always fighting for them, and the fact that I was able to secure one against all odds (it was actually rather easy, there still five left by noon, when the tickets handed out before the store opened became invalid) made the victory all the much sweeter. I guess it's kind of neat to have - crippling pain aside - but really it's just an expensive way for me to feel like I'm part of some elite group. After all, based on the lines that form outside the store on days when we've advertised that we have Wii Fit in stock, it would seem that there are a lot more people who want the non-game than those who own it.