For the longest while now, I've been doing maybe one article a month, coupled with a few mini-reviews mixed in between. And I've been thinking, maybe I should get back to what the site was all about. I'm not going to try the per-week system I had back in March/April of oh-four, but I'm going to go for two a month. The thing is, they aren't going to be so long anymore. I've been looking at Mike's site, I-Mockery, Gorilla Mask, and several other sites I visit regularly (no links, they're all on the sidebar), and I've noticed that their articles usually aren't so long. I really think that my obsession with writing tons and not just getting to the point is one of the biggest factors that keep article production near the bottom of the to-do list. The only issue is that this would effectively nullify the mini-review section. The only true difference between the two would be the pictres in the regular articles. So we'll see how this goes. The trial period will be October and November. But really, I just wanted to make a news post. So here's some goods for you to salivate over. Tv reviews! Hooray! I just did it on a whim, so it's crappy, but it is full of good info, so read up, young ones.
1. I fixed some links on the sidebar there. By that, I mean, struck out a dead one, and accomodated to a changed domain name. Changes were only applied to the main page.
2. After waiting three long weeks, Jump Superstars finally arrived yesterday. I love the game, and have a hard time saying where it would rank in my current library. It's entirely in Japanese, but I'm coping pretty well. I've alrady reviewed the demo, so I don't know about an article...
3. Coozy for Hire's second comic is up. It's now official that new comics come out on Thursdays, and that my (comic Ryan's) storyline will be hoggin' the spotlight for the next three comics or so. Thus is what happens when you put me in charge of actually managing the comics.
4. Disturbed's new CD Ten Thousand Fists is out now, and I'm picking it up today. HIM's Dark Light is due on the 27th, as well as Corner Gas season 2. Whoopee!

Ok, before I start this up, if you're a Final Fantasy 7 fanboy/girl, and refuse to believe that anything relating to the game can be wrong, just stop reading now. If you hate FF7 and are looking for a good bashing of the movie, stop reading now. Finally, if you don't want spoilers, stop reading for the love of Odin. (More)
Words fail me. Serously, I'm not gonna touch this one with a ten-foot pole (I'll use it, but I'm not going to get into what I think of it). Details.
Man, sitting around the University all day is boring. There's a three-hour gap between my classes from Tuesday to Thrusday and I've got nothing to do, or at least no secluded place to do it. It's stupid to think I could find such a haven, but I really hate people. Just their existence pisses me off. If there were a room where I could set up shop and study or whatnot during the off-time, and not have to worry about passersby or door-knockers (which nullifies my washroom strategy), that would be great. But no such room exists. So I have to sit around in the computer lab all day, in the presence of putrid humans. Nowhere else is any better, but at least I have internet access there. And the best thing is the complete lack of internet blocking software. It would surely be frowned upon, and I never would, but I could potentially look up porn should I feel the need. So all my complaining aside, no real news today. But the first comic at Coozy For Hire should be up tonight. If not, we've got some filler. Mmm filler. So I've got to go off to class now. Maybe I'll use all this spare time I have to increase article production. You'd like that, now wouldn't you?
Just some minor changes to the ol' site today. Fixed up the banner so it's less than half the size it originally was. If you check it out, it still says GIF, but I assure you, it's a PNG dressed up as a GIF so that I didn't have to change each and every page from GIF to PNG. That would have been tee-dee-ous. I also went over the second Art Gallery, and fixed it up so that all the bandwidth-devouring BMP file have been converted into more friendly PNG files. On another note, Audioscrobbler has been renamed to Last.FM, so I got that changed up (on the main page only).
In other news, I posted my bio on the BBS for one of my classes, so if anyone visits that, they'll probably click the link I provided for the site. So I might have a spike in hits. Just thought I'd mention it. And while I'm on the subject, university is pretty cool, just (as dumb as it sounds) too many people. I can't find anywhere nice and secluded to read/draw/video games/what-have-you. Then again, I haven't explored the entire campus, so there is still hope. A hope that's too far away from my classes to be worthwile, but hope no less.
I've been working on a new pseudo-article, and it's such a thing that it might get updated every so often, unlike the current offerings, which have become pretty much stagnant. Be ready for that around the end of the month.
Finally, I got The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction (you may have heard me rant about how cool it was going to be), and I love it to pieces. It's similar to GTA(X), but doesn't get boring after an hour. Expect articleization sometime in the near future.
Oh, and Coozy For Hire should be getting off the ground any day now. Stay tuned for more.
I don't know if you checked it out already, but VG Cats Scott posted a really sweet link a couple days back. It seems that Yahoo's got some dealie where you can watch old cartoons on the site. The important news: The Super Mario Bros. Super Show. In all of it's original glory. And it gets even better, they've got a bunch of other great toons like The Legend of Zelda, Inspector Gadget, and Mummies Alive! to boost the awesomeness of the thing. The rest is pretty much crap, and it would benefit from some other awesome shows like Captain N and Samurai Pizza Cats, but hey, you take what you can get. Actually, there are a lot more shows I'd love to see again, if only to see how bad they are and forget about them (I watched Captain Planet the other day and I wish I hadn't). Anyhow, check it out.
Boom. Check this, kids. This month's band is another one of those foreign ones. Also, they're another one of those bands that nobody's heard of, and I only came across because they were featured in a video game. And to top it all off, they play a style of music I almost never talk about, but absolutey love to listen to. Today, we pay tribute to the Asianest surf gutar band this side of anywhere: the Surf Coasters.
Yeah, they're this Japanese surf band that absolutely rocks. Well, that's maybe saying a bit much. You see, I've only really heard about a total of seven or so songs from them, but trust em on this one, they're good. I originally heard of 'em when I found out they were headlingin the soundtrack to Musashi: Samurai Legend. Turns out they were just doing the main theme, but any publicity is good publicity, right? After I sampled the sweet tune known as "Samurai Struck", I myself was quite struck and immediately went on a search for more. Sadly, music by the Surf Coasters is harder to come by on the internet than a website without ads. It's out there somewhere, but you're going to spend a lot of time and effort looking for it.
So here's something new to learn about me: I love surf music. Not a big fan of the sport so much, but nothing can even compare to the wail of a surf guitar. And you all know what I'm talking about, whether you think you do or not. The Surf Coasters (just like any other surf band worth it's salt) has covered "Misirlou", and you know "Misirlou". Think Pulp Fiction. If nothing else, it's the easiest SC song to find, so go check that out. You'll recognize it immediately. The only surf song more well known is Wipeout, but that's like the definition of surf music. Anyhow, Surf Coasters rock.
The "Misirlou" is great, but at least some of their other stuff shines too, like "Shark Attack" and "Kuroshiro", or even the mellowed-out "Adventures in Paradise". I really haven't heard many songs other than the ones I mentioned, and I'm not about to make a complete list, but it's all been good. I'd say more, but I'm not sure what to say, and I'm pretty much satisfied with giving a more obscure band a turn in the spotlight. So yeah, go download some tunes by the Surf Coasters, if for no other reason than to help me in my search for more. I'd import, but it's damned expensive.
Also, good news for me! Planet Megaman is finally back after being down for like the whole summer. (EDIT - Or not so much...) You probably don't give much of a damn, but it was an important part of my "daily rounds". And on a completely different note, I go back to school in three and a half hours. After 14 months of not-learning, my brain has gotten used to being used as little as possible, so we'll see how this goes.
Heys there. I'll be having a new article up by the end of the day, but not now. Check back every couple hours or so. For now, here's them links the title promised.
Excellent new Homestar Runner cartoon
Just read the first mail. Then say it with me: DOUCHEBAG!
Huge Wikipedia entry on the worst the internet has to offer.
Robosapien V2 sounds really sweet. I want one.
This is about on par with Scientology for being bullshit.
ADDENDUM(6:58PM) - The all-powerful Super Article is now up. Though I should warn you, I may be over-hyping it... Also, I stepped on a bigass staple and can no longer walk painlessly.
After what seems like forever, Steve is back with a new article. I didn't really spellcheck this one, so prepare for typos. I didn't even really read it yet. I have too much Advance Wars to play through. Oddly enough, that's kinda relevant... Anyway, enjoy.