I don't know if you keep up with Penny-Arcade, but I like to click over every once in a while and read the funny comic strips they occasionally put up there. Last week was amazing though, as they put up a two-part series about working at Toys 'R' Us. As a used-to-be TRU worker, these strips touched something very tender in my heart, resonating with my soul in a way only fellow TRU slaves would understand. Also, I'm kicking myself because my own TRU parody strips aren't nearly as good.
Anyhow, read! Part 1 and Part 2.
I really have nothing more important to say today. Or all month, apparently. There's cool stuff happening, but I'm saving all my product reviews for, you guessed it: The 25 Days of Materialism! Coming soon to a shitty blog near you!
Good news everyone! Well, incredibly delayed good news, anyway.
Remember all those weeks ago where I was complaining about how I wanted the re-releases of the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle toys? Well, just about a week before I left Toys R Us, they finally got them in, and luckily I was there to see them put out and was able to pounce on them, acquiring all four turtles, just as I had planned.

Ahh, aren't they beautiful? Such retro goodness, and for a reasonable price, as opposed to the hundreds of dollars I would have paid for them on EBay. I'm at a loss of whether I want to open them or not though. I know that as re-releases their worth is significantly less than the originals, but I still don't think I could bear to even possibly spoil their "mint-on-card" status.
I'm a little disappointed that there weren't any Shredder figures, but that's okay. It's a few bucks saved for me, and I think that if I had gone even one figure outside my original plan, that I would end up buying the whole line, and that's an expense I really don't need. So I'm happy enough that I got all four turtles. That really has been more than enough to soothe my swollen nostalgia gland. At least for now...