My brain is mush. Probably has something to do with working on this stupid website stuff all day. The output being this stupid article. It's about video games so blah. But it's about old video games so yay. Could go either way really. I think the only thing that really makes it worth reading is that I spellchecked it, a luxury I don't usually afford these things, so you won't see any "thigns" or "mroes". I did not proofread the whole thing however, so grammatical errors may remain.
Conclusion: if you play video games and you like nostalgia then jump right in. Otherwise ehhhh.
I started writing another article tonight. Oh my Thor what a mistake. I'd forgotten how hard it is to write these things. And I'm doing it in the formal blog style too, so I've got certain vocabulary restraints that I usually don't have to deal with. Actually, I've got two articles going right now, and I have no idea when they'll be done. This most current one I'll likely have up by Monday, but the other one I've been plucking away at since the middle of October. It's a topic very close to my heart, so it has to be perfect. That said, it could very well never get done. But I prefer to be optimistic! We'll say one by Monday for sure, and the next by the end of the year at latest. Well, at least a Part 1. It's already pushing 3000 words and I've barely started.
Well, I guess in the end, at least I'm making excuses to create notes on Facebook telling people to come here and read my crap. That way, we all lose.
For approximately ten years, Super Mario 64 was my favourite video game ever. I've purchased three different versions of it, and played it to 100% completion at least a dozen times. It has been dethroned, and I think it'll take at least twice as long for the new champ to get knocked down a peg.
To put it simply, Super Mario Galaxy is so good, I'm not entirely convinced that the last three days haven't been a dream.

Everything about Mario Galaxy screams awesome. It will rock you so hard that your unborn children's unborn children will get shivers down their spines. I kind of want to stop playing video games because I know nothing will ever compare to the pure bliss that is playing Mario Galaxy.
I'm really not smart enough to put proper words to this game, so I'll just mention my favourite part: the Bowser stages. They're rock solid platforming levels that could easily knock the socks right off any players without ample skill. The Bowser stages in Mario 64 were tricky, and these ones are too, but in entirely different ways. The last one in particular is like a mashup of everything great about platformers, and then you get to the second half and you're really sweating because the game is literally throwing everything it has at you at once. It's so freaking awesome that words cannot even begin to describe it. I love it and I will be playing this game until the day I die.
Did you ever have one of those days where you feel you've got too many pallets?

I think I'll just let a video do the talking for this one.
But seriously. I'm not a huge metal fan, but I fell for DragonForce real fast-like. In sharp contrast to most fans opinions, I think I like the vocals the best. The lyrics -at least thematically- are more or less the same in every song, but I just totally love to sing along to DragonForce more than any other band. Try them out.
Errr, so have you playerd Guitar Hero III yet? It's like... awesome.

Everything about Guitar Hero III is excellent. The presentation was a little too much for me at first, but it's grown on me. Playing online is totally awesome, because I can play against someone without actually socializing, and battle mode is twice as fun as anything else. The track list is maybe not as wonderful as that of the impending Rock Band, but it's still absolutely great. "Cities on Flame With Rock and Roll" (Blue Oyster Cult), "Stricken" (Disturbed) and "Closer" (Lacuna Coil) are my personal favourites. I don't think I'll ever finish the game though, because I'll probably never be able to beat "Raining Blood".
If I have to lobby any complaints against it, I hate the fact that they dropped my two favourite characters, Pandora and Eddie Knox. I was almost ready to boycott the game for that one, but Casey Lynch has a sweet lookin' leather getup this time around, so I'm willing to forgive. I'll never forget though. Also, Bret Michaels isn't in the Wii version. It makes no difference at all, it's just one of those WTF things.
In the end, it's all good. If anyone reads this and has the Wii version, I'm more than willing to take you on. Just send me an e-mail and we'll set it up for me to destroy you. At "Through the Fire and the Flames". I haven't lost at it yet. Nobody's even come close.