Happy Playstation 3 day, everyone. I still think it's a big waste of money, but if you wanted one, I hope you get it. To each his own, I guess.
Only two more days until Wii, and I can finally sleep again. Assuming I get one. With all this talk of limited shipments and sold-out preorders, my fears are plateauing right about now. It's like some sort of horrible, twisted Christmas, where if you can't run fast enough, Santa won't visit your house. Or a better metaphor than that. I've gotten very little sleep over the last week, so my writing ability is even worse than usual. I'd ask them to put one aside for me at work, but I overheard they've sold out of pre-orders, and I don't want to look like a dumbass for missing the reservation boat. Well, that's my punishment for not getting off my ass and pre-ordering it six months ago like a younger, more fanatical me would have. I guess I just have to rely on the city's population to be as anti-Nintendo as I imagine them to be. I know a healthy portion of my friends have jumped on the Wii bandwagon, but I'll assume hope sacrifice virgin maidens pray that everyone who's going to be camping is camping for a PS3 as I type.
On a lighter note, I'm already almost done typing up the inevitable "10 Best Games of 2006" article. It won't be posted until January, but I'll tell you now that it's going to disappoint your ass. Also, there's quite a bombshell announcment tucked in there which will probably lower your opinion of me even more than the list of games I chose will. Froth with anticipation!
EDIT (5:22AM): I just noticed that Planet GameCube has gone through their much-talked-about change and is now the swanky NintendoWorldReport. A little disorienting at first, but overall I like it.
I got an e-mail today informing me that CausticTruths.com has added me to their links. Their many thousands of links. I'm slightly confused by it all, considering it's the website for a metal magazine, but hey, I guess it's kind of neat.
On a slightly more exciting note, I only have to suffer thorugh four more days of a Wii-less existence. To celebrate, a link to IGN's superb Wii Launch Guide. While its not all up yet, there's still more than enough info for those of you who need it before making a decision. Or maybe you're just really excitied about the Wii and want to read more about it.
My latest contribution to the cesspool of hentai and retards that is the internet is up. It's dated for tomorrow, but whatever. I didn't spellcheck it either, so be prepared for barge-sized loads of typos. Overall it's about as half-assed as the covered subject, really.
In better news, I finally got around to watching Man With The Screaming Brain this afternoon. I bought it like two months ago, and only now sat down to watch it. I find that happens quite often, actually. But anyway, it was a rather quirky movie. It's about this American businessman who goes on a busniess trip to Bulgaria, and winds up with rather severe brain damage. To fix it, this crazy doctor replaces half of his brain with that of an ex-KGB agent. Hilarity and robots ensue. I pretty much just bought it because it's written/directed/produced by Bruce Campbell, and he also happens to play the main character. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this like a jillion times, but Bruce Campbell's my hero. Anyway, good movie, and I heartily recommend it. Even better than Bubba Ho-Tep.
And oh, hey, only one Wiik to go. God that was a terrible pun.

Psssh. That wasn't so tough. Here I thought Guitar Hero 2 was going to rough me up a bit, but after a four-hour power session, I've gone and made "Freebird" my bitch. Okay, I'll admit it took tons of both skill and luck, but still, I imagined it'd be a little harder.

Oh blah. I like to pretend EXPERT doesn't exist. Hard is just where I like things. Besides, Eric's playing Expert, and he says it's kicking his ass all over the place, and he's a good ten times better at this game than I am. And yes, I named my band "Six Machine". It's a freakin' awesome band name.
I guess that about wraps it up. I guess as kind of a teaser of the inevitable, I've already got most of my "10 best games of 2006" picked out. Guess where GH2 stands.
The Band of the Month for November is none other than the legendary Cheap Trick.
Well, okay, maybe they're not exactly legendary, but any band that's featured on Guitar Hero (2) has to be at least somewhat famous, right? Well, that or a house band. But hey, that's not the point. What is the point? Well, I guess it would be that I like Cheap Trick. My dad's a huge fan, and like so many bands before them (KISS, The Eagles, Journey, etc), that's exactly why I first started listening to them. I mean, his taste in current music is questionable at best (I'm sorry, but I hate jazz. It's just so... condescending.), he's got a rather excellent collection of 80's-era music.
Lucky for you, I don't feel like pretending I know anything about music today, so I'll just refer to you their website, on which you can listen to a handful of their songs. Also, if you've never been, my Myspace page features a wicked live version of "Dream Police". Kick ass.
Fact: "Dream Police" beat out Drist's "Decontrol" for the spot on my MySpace page. And I really like "Decontrol"
Fact 2: Guitar Hero is now mentioned on half the posts on the main page*.
*This fact is subject to change
With every day that passes, my lust for the Wii grows stronger. Unfortunately, my fears that I will not be able to secure one on launch day are also increasing. Like, I'm having nightmares about it. But I'll spare you my whining about that for another day. Today: Guitar Heroism. Sort of.
Long story short, I found this totally sweet program called Frets On Fire. It's essentially Guitar Hero for your PC, but with a few key differences. One, you play with the keyboard. That sounds like crap, but the game actually suggests you hold teh keyboard like a guitar, and it works out really well. Guitar Hero vets will be rocking faces off pretty quickly. Secondly, you can add your own songs to the game, essentially giving it limitless potential. It's kind of a complicated process, so I haven't tried it yet, but the pack I downloaded came pre-loaded with all the Guitar Hero tracks and then some (try isoHunt) so I'm good for now. I'm sure it won't take long before I try to stuff some Garey Hoey or more Blue Oyster Cult in there though. The only downside to the game is that it seems to be pretty buggy. so far, three out of five play sessions ended without my consent. If you need more songs that GH offers (remember, GH2 comes out in like three days) or want to see what GH is like without dropping ~$90, it's definitely a good program to have around.

I lawled. It's pretty damn funny, I think. But you know what isn't funny? Having to listen to Christmas songs all damn day long. I swear there are like six of them, and they just get "covered" by everyone out there. And usually pretty badly too. I mean, I love "Winter Wonderland" as much as the next guy, but god damn, when I hear 50 different interperetations of it a day, it starts to get on my nerves. I suppose them's the horrors of working retail.
I'm sure I had something important to say to make my glorious return to the blogging world even more glorious, but damned if I can remember. Must be all these damn RPGs I've been playing. They're rotting my brain with their complicated plots, memorable characters and unique battle systems. Stupid RPGs. I'd looove to ramble more about any of those games, but alas, comics don't draw themselves.