But for now, you'll just have to settle for a normal-style article. Hey, it's something.
I'm Not a Faggot! Oh dear. I don't seem to be a faggot at all. Luckily, George Hennard, Robert Mochrie, Timothy McVeigh, and George W Bush are all world famous non-homosexuals (probably) upon which I can model my sad little unfulfilling life. I grew up being taught serious and important things like sports and engine mechanics, with little time for the frivolity and campness which faggotry encourages. I am depressed and I often cut myself. I wet the bed when I was younger. Um. Yesterday.
It's been a while, but I haven't forgotten about the site, I'm just a little low on material. And time. You'll see why when the next article gets here. Anyway, I've got some goodies for ya.
First of all, yesterday's episode of Family Guy, "Petarded" was possibly the funniest episode of anything I've ever seen on TV. I was so impressed with it that I've decided to go as far as providing a torrent link so that you may download and watch, should you be one of those infidels who missed it last night. Or even if you want to watch it again, like m'self.
Secondly, HIM has gone and announced a new album, Dark Light, coming in September. For those of you who are like me and can't wait for it, I've got another torrent that will net you two songs from the album. Mind you, they're live, so you have to suffer through some crowd, but the songs themselves totally make up for that minor annoyance. "Killing Loneliness" is great, but I'm really into the "Vampire Heart". Highly recommended, even if you don't normally listen to HIM.
Final note for the day is that I've got two articles in the works. At least. I've got so many projects on my mind that it's impossible for someone like me to keep it all organized. One is (if you've been paying attention you saw it coming) for the new WarioWare game, and the second, a little more out of left field, is for Kirby's first DS game. Also, I'm actually reading a book at the moment (not as I type this, but you know what I mean), so I'll probably sum that up in a blog review once I'm done with it. So go dowload that shit and find some way to keep yerself busy until my next article is done.
Gunter glieben glauchen globen. I was gonna use Matthew Good as June's BotM, but then I picked up Def Leppard's Rock of Ages: The Definitive Collection, and just wow. I've been listening to Leppard for (mind the quasi-pun) ages now, and they're even one of the three bands lucky enough to grace my sidebar as a link. Of all things, I didn't expect to be surprised by this album. It goes without saying that the CD (dual-CD set, actually) is one of those "greatest hits" dealies, and boy, does it ever deliver. But I'll get to that later.
I'm all about the classics of rock 'n' roll - you know, AC/DC, Poison, Queen, Loverboy, Tesla, the list goes on - and Def Leppard falls squarely into that category, so obviously, they get some sort of recognition when I'm asked to recite what bands I like. They've been rocking out since 1980, and are still going pretty strong today, having released their last original album in 2002, and two "best of" compilations (though they're essentially the same) within the last two years. They're even still going all out with their live shows, having been in Winnipeg sometime in late 2003(maybe early 2004), and returning this August. I missed the last show, but I'm pretty pumped about it this time, so I'm expecting to be there. Especially if they're busting out some of the tracks from Rock of Ages' second disc. I'll explain why in a minute.
Having released nine original albums and three greatest hits compilations, Def Leppard's got a pretty prolific career under their belt. I only own three of this rocker's dozen, those being their first release On Through The Night, the first hits CD Vault, and if you hadn't guessed, Rock of Ages: The Definitive Collection. Sadly, Vault is the same as Rock of Ages' first disc, even lacking a couple tracks, so it's ended up being more of a collector's item since I no longer have practical use for it.
So enough with the looking at each CD and picking out the good song bit. Today, I'm just gonna be talking about, you guessed it, Rock of Ages. It's got pretty much every thing you need to get a good taste of Def Leppard, featuring 25 face-melting tracks over two discs. You've got your classics, your lesser-knowns, and even a couple oddballs. The first disc is the one most people would be able to pick out as Def Leppard, being the host to all their really big hits like "Photograph", "Animal", When Love & Hate Collide", and "Rock of Ages". It's also picked up a couple of tracks that weren't featured on Vault; "Heaven Is" and "Switch 625", both songs I'd never heard before. I'd have to say that my favourite songs from this disc are long standing favourites "Rocket" and "Let's Get Rocked". The former because it's hardcore and makes reference to other great bands such as the Beatles, Queen, and David Bowie. The latter, because it's just a great song.
Now the first disc was pretty standard stuff, but the second blew me out fo the water. A lot of songs here I'd never heard of, some I had, but never thought they were that big. But they're all awesome. A couple, like "Women" and "Rock Rock (Till You Drop)" I saw coming, because I'd heard of them before, (and to be honest, I only knew popular Leppard songs for a long time), and there are a couple from On Through The Night, "High 'N' Dry (Saturday Night)" and my favourite Def Leppard song ever, "Rock Brigade". There are also some more poppy songs like "Promises" and "No Matter What", which are pretty good, but couldn't possibly hope to match up to power ballads "Stand Up (Kick Love Into Motion)" and "Now". The one song that really stands out from the rest however is one that they named an album after, the kickass rap-rock-pop-maracas hybrid "Slang". I could not explain exactly how this song manages to cross so many genres and still sound so good.
Not to say that buying the other albums would be a waste, but if you want to experience a little bit of everything Def Leppard's offered until now, Rock of Ages is the way to go. I would also suggest Hysteria and X if you're in the market. Or just download a couple of the songs I mentioned in the preceding paragraph. That's why I like Def Leppard so much. That and their dummer, Rick Allen, is my hero. Somehow, he's managed to be a fully competent drummer for this huge band, and he's only got one arm. How you could not look up to a guy like that is way beyond me.
So I'm browsing the Fark, and I find what is possibly a faint glimmer of hope for gaming. Someone copied WarioWare. Now I always figured that WarioWare had such a bizarre (yet highly successful) concept that nobody would ever try to blatantly use it for their own game. But there it is. Based on the moive "the Hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy", it's only got 42 games, but they only last a couple seconds each and they're fired at you in rapid succession. It's WarioWare. Just something I thought was really cool and worth mentioning.
Not that it's much different than any other computer, but the new compy is very nice. I shall christen him Todd. The May archive is up, incase you're wondering. I've nothing else to say.
Today, June 3rd, 2005 - a date which will live in infamy - my parents bought a new computer. And it is (in some ways) better than mine. But that's only the good news.
My PC, by the by, has been acting like a total dick for the last couple weeks, and only now is it in a useable condition. Many problems have plagued the little guy, but none of them were really ever figured out, they all just kind of went away. Damned computers. Aaaanyway. Since I'll be losing my modem tonight, I'll have to either shell out cash for a computer... connecting.. thingy... or just use the family computer, which will be tough, because everyone will be constantly fawning over the new baby. That, and I might have to buy a sound card too, because no matter how many drivers I install for my onboard piece, it just won't work. In the words of Johnny Cochrane: it does not make sense!
Yes, so updates might be even less frequent than they are now, not only because of the less accessible internet, but also because I can once again play games on my PC. Just thought I'd let you know I haven't yet given up on the site. Band of the Month might not show up until next weekend, depending on the circumstances.