So I was in Lac du Bonnet the other weekend. Not something that's going to be happening all that often in years to come, even though it used to be a trip the family made many times a year. Me and the girlfriend went to see the Canada Day fireworks display (which had been rained out in July and postponed to August 1st), and it just so happened that her uncle runs the Subway down there, so her whole family was there too.
Before hitting Lac du Bonnet itself, I decided to take her around the surrounding area and show her some places I used to frequent, like the cottage that used to belong to my grandparents, and the legendary Pinawa Burger Boat. It was a long morning/afternoon of adventuring, and we finally headed to Lac du Bonnet and made camp at the Subway. There were still many hours to kill before the fireworks began, so we had to busy ourselves in town. Reading her Cosmo and playing CrossworDS (guess who was doing which) only lasted so long, and we were forced to explore the small town to eat up the rest of our day.
Fortunately, that meant doing my absolute favourite Lac du Bonnet activity: scouring The Bargain Shop for interesting goodies. There's also a dollar store that's so generic that I can't even remember what it's called, but ever since my brothers and I were tots, I've loved prowling that The Bargain Shop. It even moved across the street into a bigger building a few years ago, making room for even more crazy crap. I bought a whole bag full of stuff that day, and all for less than $15! Let's take a look-see, shall we?
I've been playing mostly old games lately, in not only a vain attempt to save some money, but also in a terrible fit of nostalgia. Playing through Wario Land 4 on a proper GBA is infinitely more enjoyable than playing it on a PC, and I've discovered that maybe Final Fantasy 8 is a lot easier than I remember it. I was probably just doing it wrong before. However, my summer mission to finish Final Fantasy Tactics has ground to a halt. Turns out grinding for hours upon hours can remove the fun from even the best games.
Anyway, all the new games I've been playing over the past couple of months (aside from Wii Sports Resort) have been via Wii or DSiWare. The one that's really stolen my heart though, is Art Style: PiCTOBiTS. Possibly because of my overactive nostalgia gland.

PiCTOBiTS is a falling-block puzzle game, almost like a backwards version of Tetris, where you get to move around the fallen blocks and try to make lines in the air. Of course, the term "lines" is a little too general. Any line, rectangle or square of four or more like-coloured bits will vanish off the bottom screen, and pop up to the top one, and therein lies the point of the game.
As the falling bits are vanquished from your bottom screen, they move up top, and fill in a blank slate to create a beloved classic Nintendo character (or characters, in some cases). While the round does end after the portrait is completed, it's still very much a high-score game, keeping records of both your top time and score for each stage. Of course, there are ceilings to how high your scores and how low your times can get, but the sheer fun of the game is more than enough to keep you coming back for more.
There are 30 stages total, 15 of which you can freely play in sequential order, unlocking the next by finishing the round you're on. The next 15 are acquired at your whim by using the coins you earn. These "Dark Stages" are notably harder, some almost completely overwhelming. I've only finished up to the 9th Dark Stage myself, afraid of what will happen to me if I tread any farther.
I found PiCTOBiTS less than amazing when I started playing it, but as I got better and learned to chain my lines, the game became exponentially more fun. The one-step-at-a-time renditions of classic Nintendo themes are also a great reason to come back to the over and over again. The only little quibble I have is that the stylus is not always the most accurate tool, and oftentimes (especially when you need to move fast), you'll find yourself carrying and placing bits you never meant to pick up and/or put down, which usually spells instant doom in the harder stages.
PiCTOBiTS is easily the most worthwhile game currently available on DSiWare. Aside from the mostly great Art Style: Boxlife, nothing else on the service even comes close to piquing my interest. I'll admit that even PiCTOBiTS and Boxlife were lucky shots in the dark that I probably would never have even tried had I not gotten the 1000 DSi Points used to purchase them for free. But alas! They are wonderful! And all should rejoice at the release of a puzzle game I can really get into!
The beard madness continues! At this point, people have sarted to realize that I'm not just too lazy to shave, and am actually growing facial hair on purpose. Many are asking why, but I never really have an answer. Just because.

I shaved the neckline this morning, and oh lordy, does it look so much better. Now I actually look like I'm growing a beard, as opposed to scruff. Also, my girlfriend is really warming up to the idea, so all is good in beardy town. Except for the fact this it's starting to slow down in the growth department, so we'll see if it gets any longer than where it is now. Check back next week for more!
I should also mention that I'm in the midst of writing not one, or even two, but three articles. I'd hoped the first one would be up just less than a week ago, but you know how I procrastinate. In any case, there's actual content in the works, so stay tuned!
So completely randomly, about two weeks ago, I decided that I wanted to start growing a beard. Now, while I love the prospect of having a beard, there are three little catches that will more than likely keep me frm achieving my goal:
1. I've tried this before. It didn't work out. As far as I can tell, my face doesn't have what it takes to grow a proper beard. It grows very unevenly, faouring the left side, and after a couple weeks the growing just stops and it stays at the "long scruff" phase until I shave it off. I'm hoping it's just because I didn't wait long enough before, which leads to point two.
2. I'm too impatient. Since my facial hair (and regular hair, after a certain length) grows at a snail's pace, I'll most definitely get bored of this long before I have anything resembling a beard. To help imagine how long my hair takes to grow, it takes be approximately three days to grow in a proper five o' clock shadow.
3. My girlfriend is not a fan. I asked her at the beginning of the relationship how she felt about facial hair (because I shave maybe once a week at most), and she said she wasn't big on real facial hair, but could deal with the stubble. I did tell her my plan, however, and she seems okay with it, if not even supportive. I was ready to give up after just over a week, but she told me to hang in there a little longer, just to see how it goes.

So that's what I'm sporting now; Not too wonderful looking, but it's past the crustache phase and makes me look a little older. You may not be able to tell because that's the most terrible picture ever taken, but yeah. I dunno. I'm pretty much ready to shave it off, but I've made a promise to myself to wait at least one more week before I take the razor to it. Well, I mean, it's due for a bit of a trim around the neckline, but it's got seven days to straighen up and fly right before I axe the whole thing.
So why am I doing this? Dunno. Boredom, I guess.
I know it's a bit wierd that I might show such enthusiasm for a Guitar Hero game after (mostly) politely snubbing the last one to be released, but have you seen the track list for Guitar Hero: Van Halen yet? I was mostly on the fence before, but then I saw the tracks. It has "Panama" and "Jump", so I'm absolutely there. "Unchained" doesn't hurt either.
What's really got me excited however, are the songs that aren't by Van Halen. Any Judas Priest is welcome, but another go at "Painkiller" has got me dancing in my seat, and the fact that I finally get some more Queen is icing on the cake. I also greatly appreciate "Pain" and "Space Truckin'". I've got to say that it's really a great overall selection of filler music. Yes, we'll always have to put up with a few shoddy choices like Fountains of Wayne and Weezer (and why is Lenny Kravitz here? Activision, can you please make one Guitar Hero game without Lenny Kravitz? Please?), but it far surpasses GH: Aerosmith's meh-tastic choices and GH: Metallica's a-bit-too-metal-for-my-tastes track list.