You've seen the pictures on Facebook, now here's the video!
This is a short video from our weekend getaway to Hecla Island, a couple hours north of Winnipeg. We stayed at the Radisson Oasis Spa, and here we're exploring the nearby Hecla Village. It was really the only thing to do out there this time of year. The golf course was still closed, and we could only get so many massages. So we played on the rocks for a while.
I happen to think that this is pretty hilarious. Particularly the part with Luigi.
Yep. I called it.

Despite my on-again off-again relationship with Street Fighter IV, I noticed we had gotten in the action figure line on Monday. I think you can see where I'm going with this.

I somehow managed to fend off my need to buy the new line of Super Mario toys, so why in God's name did I break down and snap up Ken and Ryu here? I guess that's kind of a rhetorical question, because I really don't know the answer.
Besides the fact that I've fallen off the "I'm too old to buy toys" wagon (it was just a matter of when), they're actually pretty cool toys. Well, in my case, decorations. If I could play with them, you know I would, but I've long since lost the childlike mindset that one needs to actually have fun and play with toys. They've got like a million points of articulation, down to the toes, and are super-poseable. The downside being that most of the joints are very sticky and don't want to move. I had plans for a hadoken pose for Ruy and something a little more actiony for Ken, but very important joints for those kinds of poses didn't feel like bending to my will, so we get half-hearted standing poses. Oh well. At least they still look really cool.
There are actually three figures in the set, Crimson Viper being the one not pictured. I didn't buy her because a) I don't really care for her and b) because we didn't have one. Already I can feel the pains of having an incomplete set gnawing at my brain. I don't know. I think I'll probably break down at some point (likely today), but that will make things worse, because then if we ever get in later series of these figures, we all know that I'll have to catch them all. I mean buy them all. And my girlfriend was already looking at me kind of funny when I brought home only two. Imagine what would happen if Blanka and Rufus were to take up residence on my dresser. Oh my...